Intro To Music & Instruments
Join us this Winter and new year for another round of Intro to Music & Instruments at Healthpro Pediatrics! This interactive class teaches kids about the guitar, ukulele, voice, piano, and percussion while providing them opportunities to play and try each of the instruments while making music with their peers. This is an active class that is always so much fun and very play-based, and we are back at the Greenwood Village Clinic! Hope your child can join us!
Call (720)-287-4185 to Register!
[Image description: A group of kids playing instruments under the text and the company logos with white music notes above. The text reads, "Greenwood Village Clinic Intro to Music & Instruments Jan 16th- Feb 20th Saturdays 10:00-10:45a Registration: $390 Let by Bonnie Houpt MT-BC this class will provide students with introductory instruction in guitar, ukulele, piano, hand drums and voice. Students will learn new skills on each instrument, discover which instruments they like best, and have the opportunity to play alongside their peers. Call (720)-287-4185"]