Episode 7: Jessica Leza- Neuroqueering, Music Therapy, and Individualized Client-Centered Work

In this episode, Jessica and I discuss an essay she wrote for the Neurodiversity Reader including topics such as neuroqueering, neurodiversity, neuroqueering in music therapy, and radical individualized client-centered work. "Jessica Leza is a board certified music therapist originally from Houston, Texas, USA.

In this episode, Jessica and I discuss an essay she wrote for the Neurodiversity Reader including topics such as neuroqueering, neurodiversity, neuroqueering in music therapy, and radical individualized client-centered work.

"Jessica Leza is a board certified music therapist originally from Houston, Texas, USA. She graduated with a Bachelor of Music in Music Composition from the University of North Texas and a Master of Arts in Music Therapy from Texas Woman’s University. Jessica completed a music therapy internship at Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center in Phoenix, AZ and has received additional training in Neurological Music Therapy (NMT). Jessica provides music therapy for developmentally disabled students in north Texas public schools, addressing the skills described on their IEPs through singing, instrument playing, movement to music, and familiar songs played on guitar. In addition to her work in music therapy, Jessica enjoys canoeing, spending time with her spouse, and pursuing special interests such as ducks, permaculture, or the visual arts."

*Patreon is no longer available as of 11/1/23

Links and Resources from this episode 🤯:

Episode 8: Lauren Burgess and Robby Chaney- Dirt Coffee Bar, Inclusive Employment, Cultivating Around Strengths

Episode 6: Hannah Gallagher- Music Therapy, Virtual and Phone Call Sessions, and Person-Centered Goal Setting