2021 Intentions

A gray square with 3 words for the new year, text in image description

It has been quite a year- the first full official year of business here at Rhythmic Roots Music Services, LLC. When the year started, my business name was Rhythmic Roots Music Therapy, LLC. Though a slight change, in the middle of 2020 the first name was re-imagined to fit the pivoting landscape of a year while aligning more with my purpose for the business- music opportunities for all, greater than just music therapy services.

Last year I went into 2020 with three “words”: Be Bold, Cultivate, and Connect

Cultivate was a broad word that I resonated with, and I feel like much was cultivated this year including resilience, rest, self-care, innovation, and connection.

Connection became quite the challenge in March, but through creative ideas (such as hosting virtual resource fairs, Community Coffee Time, and networking events) and being bold, connections were kept, nourished, and created.

Boldness was something I believe I achieved this year and because I had the word, it helped me throughout the year. I was bold in business decisions of moving to online, in creating and presenting new presentations, in starting a podcast, and in creating other ways of doing business that still allowed me to create music with many wonderful people in a safe way.

Going into next year I have three new words: Being, Gratitude, and Community

Being is a word I have really been resonating with the last few weeks that can be hard to explain to others. I want 2021 to be a year where I am present, where I enjoy each day and session and the magical moments all around us.. Grounding exercises also helped me a lot in 2020, and this is the foundational word I want to use to approach the new year personally and in business.

Gratitude was another process that helped me through difficult times this year. I am interested in creating a routine gratitude practice this year and to continue to look for the things to be grateful for in difficult times and in good times.

Finally, I want to nourish and build community in 2021. This in a way is growing out of the word connection from the previous year and is connection’s next natural state. I want to nourish my communities that support me as well as support and grow communities around me. 2020 taught us the importance of each other if nothing else.

Thank you for being a part of Rhythmic Roots Music Services, LLC’s community this year! I wish you the happiest of new year as we move forward into another year full of possibility. Stay safe and be well!

[Image description: Gray square with white and green text. The company’s logo is on the right side. The text reads, “2021 Intentions, Being, Gratitude, Community, @rhythmicrootsmusicservices”]

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