2022 Intentions

Happy New Year! 2022 is here, which means it is time for me to pick out a new set of words to use intentionally this upcoming year.

Last year, my words were Being, Gratitude, and Community.

For me, I feel like the first half of 2021 and the second half were drastically different both personally and in my business. I think I was more focused on “being” in the first half, and by the end of the year the word was not resonating with me as much.

Gratitude became such an important anchor throughout the whole year as things changed, and I ended the year feeling so grateful for my business and the clients I get to serve through music.

Community was one of the more successful words of 2021. I worked to cultivate my community through online networking events as well as joined networks like Guiding Bright Minds, which allowed me to connect with more amazing professionals in the community. I also connected with the disability community in Denver through different resource fair events and music groups in the community. This included a resource fair and a trunk or treat at the Autism Community Store, the Autism Society of Colorado’s resource fair, music groups at the Autism Community Store, and hosting a Fall picnic and concert with Milestone Pediatric Therapy Services!

So without further ado, here are my words for 2022: Resourcefulness, Stability, Accessibility

Resourcefulness has stuck out to me in the last couple of weeks, and I find the word motivating in its problem solving nature. What resources do I already have to create new projects and connect with the community? I am excited to see where this word takes me.

Stability is something I am desiring with my business as it may be obvious that the last couple years have not been very stable for many of us. I want to strive for financial stability as well as stability in the services I provide this year.

Finally, accessibility is a core value of Rhythmic Roots Music Services, LLC. I want to position it as a strong value going into 2022 to make sure that my presentations, projects, and services are as accessible as possible and to create musical opportunities for all.

I look forward to reflecting on these words and to use them intentionally this year as Rhythmic Roots continues to grow and serve the Denver disability community. What are your words or resolutions for the new year?

[Image description: Gold stars are in the top left and bottom right corners, and balloons that read “2022” are in the top center. The business logo is on the bottom in the middle. The green text reads, “Resourcefulness Stability Accessibility”]

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