Podcast Episodes about Job Searching as a Music Therapist

I have had my fair share of having difficulty finding a music therapy job that fit what I was looking for- eventually leading to Rhythmic Roots Music Services, LLC. There are a lot of things I learned in the process that I wished I knew as a student. Here are three episodes that discuss some of these things, including the difference between contractor and employee positions. There are must listens to for any music therapy student or intern!

Not Your Average Music Therapist: From Student to Professional

In this episode, Kim breaks down the different career options you can choose as a music therapist, providing so much helpful information if you are looking for a music therapy job.

Everyone’s Welcome: The Job Search

This podcast episode breaks down the difference between being a contractor and an employee as a music therapist. They also discuss important things to consider in job interviews.

Able Voice Podcast: Navigating the Music Therapist Career Path

In this episode, Hayley and Kim interview me! I discuss part of my career journey with them, discussing differences between being a contractor and employee and knowing your values before taking a position.

You will find a job as a music therapist! These episodes are full of important information to consider as you search, deciding what you value and are looking for in a job. The more clear you can define your values, the easier it will be to find a job (or create one) that is a good fit.

3 Original Music Therapy Songs for St. Patrick's Day

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