6 Spring Songs for Music Therapy

Denver is finally starting to thaw. That means it is time to bring out the Spring songs! Here are 6 songs, in no particular order, about Spring that can be used in music therapy and that I look forward to using this Spring season:

  1. “Here Comes the Sun” by The Beatles

    This is a classic song about Spring that a lot of my clients would recognize. I think it perfectly captures my feelings about Spring this year coming out of a “long, cold, lonely Winter.” I envision it as a lovely hello song before groups as seen in my “Spring Music Therapy Session Plan for Adults with IDD” outline below. I can also envision instrument play and accompaniment to go along with the iconic instrumental melody of this song or a songwriting rewrite of everyone’s Winter and what they are looking forward to in the Spring.

  2. “Rockin’ Robin” by Bobby Day

    Did you know Rockin’ Robin is technically in the public domain? The recording by Bobby Day is not, but this is a song that can be covered live with no worries of copyright. It is hard to not dance along to this song. Great for all ages!

  3. “When It’s Springtime in the Rockies” by Gene Autry

    I am probably biased since I am near the Rocky Mountains, but this song is one of my favorites to sing this time of year with a beautiful melody. I have used this in sessions with older adults or adults with disabilities as a relaxation song, as seen in the outline below, or as a sing-along. I could see it being used to evoke different Spring imagery in a songwriting or musical improvisation activity as well.

  4. “Mr. Sun” by Stephanie Leavell

    Stephanie Leavell is a phenomenal children’s’ song songwriter. I have covered many of her songs on my YouTube but wanted to highlight her version of “Mr. Sun” as we move into Spring. It definitely captures a similar mood of “Here Comes the Sun” for me, inviting the sun to shine down on us with a beautiful guitar accompaniment. A great sing-along or relaxation song for kids!

  5. “Let’s Make a Zoo” by Bonnie Houpt

    Next up on the list is a song I wrote last summer called “Let’s Make a Zoo,” which is all about making a zoo at home out of stuffed animals. As the weather outside gets warmer, a zoo could be made at home, maybe even outside, to enjoy the nice weather or to talk about trips to the zoo in the past.

  6. “Breathe in, Belly Rises” by Bonnie Houpt

    The last song on the list is another song I wrote recently for breathing in voice lessons. As we can get outside more and get fresh air, I thought this would be a nice addition to the list to remind us that we can pause and take a grounding breath during this seasonal change.

A Spring Music Therapy Session Plan for Adults with IDD

[Image description: Light blue square with pink flowers on the bottom. Rhythmic Roots Music Services, LLC's logo is in the top right corner. The yellow text reads, "Spring Music Therapy Session Plan for Adults with IDD Hello Song- "Here Comes the Sun" by the Beatles Movement- "Rockin' Robin" by Bobby Day Instrument Playing- "Spring" by Eliza Cook Using poetry to create a soundscape Relaxation- "When It's Springtime in the Rockies" by Gene Autry Goodbye- “So Long, Farewell” from the Sound of Music"]

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3 Original Music Therapy Songs for St. Patrick's Day